Friday 21 September 2012

Rape Victim ‘Shot And Beheaded Attacker’

 nevin yildirim who shot and beheaded rapist nurettin gider turkey Rape Victim Shot And Beheaded Attacker

 A pregnant rape victim in Turkey has been accused of shooting and beheading her attacker before leaving his severed head in the square of the local village, according to reports.
Nevin Yildirim, 26, is awaiting trial for the murder of Nurettin Gider, who she says raped her repeatedly at gunpoint at her home in Yalvac, southwest Turkey.
She has also accused him of threatening to kill her family and taking photographs of her, which he used to blackmail her.
The mother-of-two is five months pregnant and claims that the rapist is the baby’s father. It is believed she shot Gider ten times, including several times in his groin area. He was also reportedly stabbed in the abdomen after he was shot.
She is then said to have cut off his head before carrying it, dripping with blood, to the village square and dumping it in front of shocked onlookers. According to CNN reports she said: “Don’t play with my honour. Here’s the head of the man who played with my honour.”
Yildirim reportedly went to a health clinic for an abortion before the killing but was turned away because she was 14 weeks pregnant at the time. In Turkey, abortion is only permitted during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
She said Gider, a father-of-two who was married to her husband’s aunt, first raped her in January, when her husband left town to work a seasonal job. She said the rapes continued over the next eight months until August 28, when Yildirim shot Gider after he had climbed up the back wall of her house.
Source: Sky News

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