Friday 12 October 2012

BLACK FRIDAY ALUU 4: In Memory of The Innocent Aluu Four and Many More Who have been Unjustly Slain in Our Country

Some call u cultists
Some call u thieves Initially u were worried about the
shame of being stripped naked in full of
the view of the crowd... The shame quickly turned into fear 4 ur
life... They beat u so badly, u could not
mutter a word... Your heart was saying "Please, please
wait we're not thieves" but ur mouth
would not move... You were tired, aching and gasping 4
the breath of life... You look at the crowd and u see
children, men and women that are ur
fellow country men... Shock met disbelieve...
Your hearts cried 4 help. You were thinking it was a dream, that
this cannot be happening.
They are not going to kill us... You wanted to wake up so that u
dream no more... But sadly enough, the dream was not
an illusion but apparent reality... You shouted, Somebody Help! Please
Somebody Help!... Your Dad was not there to feel ur pain...
Your Mum was not there to hear ur cry
4 help... Your Brothers & Sisters were
somewhere on their daily businesses,
while u were dying somewhere in Aluu
community... You were so badly beaten.
You were hoping just to die so that it
will all end... Then came the Petrol...and u were
thinking... No they wont burn us... No
No No Nooo! The fire came... The sun became so
hot... You hoped 4 the rain which will
never come... Oh the Pain... So
Unbearable... Then there was silence and peace... You
crossed over to eternity, waving ur
hands to ur lifeless body... Finally u found rest from ur tormentors. You were betrayed... ...betrayed by the person who won't
pay his debt and dare turn on u and
watch u die in such anguish. ...betrayed by the community who
made so many assumptions and
exercised their jungle judgement on u. ...betrayed by those who stood by and
enjoyed this injustice. ...betrayed by the authorities that has
no immediate response to community
uproar. ...betrayed by every observer who
thinks 4 whatever reason, u deserve
this gruesome judgment. ...betrayed
 Written By Funke Aliu

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